Laboratory Services
Physical Laboratory is equipped with Softening Point, Annealing point, Strain point, Liquidus temperature and Coefficient of Thermal Expansion measuring equipments. Besides these it has facilities for Petrographic Analysis to identify the defects in Glass. Polariscope and Density Comparator are also available for Strain measurement and determination of specific gravity of Glass.
Chemical Laboratory is fully equipped to carryout qualitative as well as quantitative analysis of Raw materials, finished Glass, Refractory materials etc. It is equipped with Flame Photometer Absorption Spectrophotometer. Batch formulation and melting facility for different type of glasses is also available.
- Analysis of Glass
- Analysis of Refractory & Refractory raw materials
- Analysis of glass raw materials, such as Quartz, Silica, Feldspar, Dolomite, Calcite / dolomite.
- Purity test of Chemicals compounds such as Potassium and Sodium Nitrates, Soda and Potash, Borax, Arsenic, Barium Carbonate, Sodium Sulphate etc.
- Durability test of Glass:
- Grading of Glass for Alkalinity as per IS 2303 (Part-I)
- Grading of Glass for Alkalinity as per DIN 12111
- Grading of Glass for Alkalinity as per IS2303 (Part-II)
- Grading of Glass for Alkalinity as per DIN 12116
- Grading of Glass for Alkalinity as per DIN 52322
Determination of trace element by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. Batch Formulation and melting of glass up to 1650oC on laboratory scale.
Pollution Control Division
This division is equipped to carry out Stack Monitoring, Ambient Air Quality Measurement such as Suspended Particulate Matter (SPM), RSPM, Sulphur dioxide & Oxides of Nitrogen etc.
Combustion Engineering
This division aims at conservation of energy through various measures. It has facility of Combustion Monitoring of Furnaces through Waste Gas Analysis and The Centre is capable of designing and constructing various types of fuel efficient furnaces for application in the small scale glass unit.
Product & Technology Development Unit(PTDU)
Product and Technology Development Unit primarily stands to demonstrate best practices batching, melting, forming and finishing technologies for glass units. Batch formulation, preparation of new glass compositions and products are an integral part of PTDU. The unit has facilities for melting 2-1000kg/day glass in Pot furnaces and Day Tank Furnace. Studio Glass facility for artisans is also being installed.
POT Development Unit
Quality of Glass melting Pots used in Firozabad is much inferior in terms of Glass Quality and Campaign life compared to the Pots used in developed a modern facility for manufacturing of Glass melting Pots under the financial assistance of Department of Science & Technology of The government of India. High quality processed material and finished pots are supplied to Glass industry.
Consultancy & Trouble Shooting Services
The Centre has a team of professionals to offer consultancy in the areas such as Plant Lay out, Preparation of Project report, Furnace Design & construction, Equipment selection, Product development, Batch formulation, Quality Control, Energy conservation & Pollution Control etc. Troubleshooting services are available in the areas of Glass defect analysis, identification of its source and remedy.
Design & Decoration Units
Glass is a versatile material and it offering immense opportunities for the expression of Art and Craft. Various techniques such as Glass Casting, Slumping & Fusing and Lamp Working at hot stage and Glass Cutting, Engraving, Painting, Screen Printing, Stained Glass, Frosting (by Sand Blasting), at cold stage are being practiced at the Centre. Facilities for Training in these areas are available.
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